March 22, 2014

Cold and Casual

What I'm Wearing:
Coat - Old
Shirt - George Stroumboulopoulos Shirt
Pants - Vintage
Creepers - Call it Spring

This outfit is from last weekend and was pretty much put together in 5 minutes. It was basically freezing so I didn't really want to go over board with the outfit. I wanted something warm and dark because I was just going to the movies but figured since I was in dire need of a new post why not do a little photo shoot. 
This look is great when your on the run, going to class or just trying to have a casual day. The shoes are very comfortable for running errands and I opted for the skinny pants to keep the look from being overly baggy because I was already wearing an oversize tee and long coat.
I wish you could see the details of the pants I'm wearing. The pants are a really stretchy material and they have a line design going down the front. I absolutely love these pants because it can also double as high-waist pants as well as leggings. They are absolutely sturdy and warm. It's one of my favourite pieces I found in my mom's old stuff. I'll leave you guys for now but enjoy the tune and I hope you like the song. Actually found this song through a YouTube video my sister showed me called Kissing Strangers, its actually a short film. The video solely features this song by French musician Soko who is also in the video.

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